Parts and components
Ground engaging tools

Shark™ ground engaging tools (G.E.T) provide the ultimate protection for your bucket, significantly extending life and reducing costly downtime.

Extend bucket life
Increase the working life of your buckets by up to three times with the ultimate leading-edge lip protection.
Lower costs
Cut costs by up to 45 percent across the total life of the bucket.
Reduce downtime
Significantly lower maintenance downtime and safely extend change-out intervals.
Boost productivity
Maintain bucket geometry and one-pass loading longer by reducing premature wear that can affect optimal operation.
Optimize effectiveness
Boost overall effectiveness. Worn buckets aren’t just less efficient, they have a harmful impact on drive train components, fuel consumption and overall wear.
Download G.E.T brochure (PDF)Documentation for G.E.T
Find all the documents you need such as installation/maintenance, welding and product processing procedures.

Learn more about G.E.T
SharkTM ground engaging tools (G.E.T) provide the ultimate protection for your bucket, significantly extending life and reducing costly downtime. Specially designed for abrasive underground environments, SharkTM G.E.T range enhances the structural strength of buckets produced by Sandvik and other OEMs, helping you shift more tonnes per hour.
Shark™ G.E.T product range consists of
Introducing Mako™ ground engaging tools
MakoTM G.E.T is our next generation bucket protection system that can boost your bucket productivity by 40%.

A total bucket solution has helped KGHM
A total bucket solution has helped KGHM’s Rudna mine, Europe’s largest copper operation, reduce loader maintenance costs, optimize productivity and reduce downtime, leading to vital savings in today’s volatile commodity climate.