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Parts and components

Booms and feeds

Tunneling jumbo's booms in mine

Booms and feeds are crucial components of underground face drilling rigs, we have developed a range of solutions to repair, replace or exchange them.


Commercial offerings


You will receive a top-quality, long-lasting Sandvik boom or feed, esuring higher productivity and maximum realibility.

New for Old

A new Sandvik boom or feed can be purchased at a reduced price, just agree to send us your old worn out one.

Component exchange

We’ll exchange your boom for an as-new Sandvik replacement, remanufactured to our stringent standards and equipped with the latest safety updates and product improvements.

Component repair and return

We inspect and repair your original boom or feed in one of our state of the art workshops using genuine parts to meet your pre-specified scope.

Fixed price repair and return

High quality inspections and repairs at a pre-agreed price and to an agreed standard and scope.


My Sandvik customer portal

My Sandvik customer portal enables you to purchase thousands of products, keep track of your fleet’s data and manage your business directly online.

My Sandvik customer portal
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