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Sandvik Mining and Rock Technology unveiling new optimization Tech at Goldcorp’s #DisruptMining

Continuing the development of its award-winning OptiMine® platform, Sandvik is introducing the newest OptiMine® features, focused on analytics and visualization, at Goldcorp’s #DisruptMining event.

“More and more, the mining industry is recognizing the value of information to get the most out of their operations,” said Petri Mannonen, OptiMine® Product Line Manager, Sandvik Mining and Rock Technology. “Visualizing – and improving operations – in real time changes the game. We’re continuously working with our customers to enhance and deliver the most comprehensive set of optimization tools for the industry.”

Location-Based Analytics – Mines can now analyze and visualize events and operations on a location basis. This module gives real-time information to resolve location-based constraints, and a better understanding of the source of issues.

Smart Scheduler – This enhanced version of the OptiMine® Scheduler is teachable. The customer sets rules for the system based on their operations. Then the Smart Scheduler alerts the customer when activities happen that break those rules, and gives information about the activity. This means less repetitive, manual work for operators.

Enhanced 3D Mine Visualization – This feature builds on the original OptiMine® mine visualization tool, including a new browser-based platform, contemporary user-friendly interface, and more advanced filtering and search tools. The 3D mine visualization delivers a quicker, easier way to search for, and view, assets.

#DisruptMining highlights innovators and technology leaders in the mining industry. Sandvik shares Goldcorp’s vision in supporting entrepreneurs as they work to develop disruptive innovations for the mining industry, delivering safe, sustainable and productive mines for the future.

Tampere, Finland, February 28, 2019

For more information contact:
Petri Mannonen
OptiMine® Product Line Manager
Sandvik Mining and Rock Technology
tel: +358400147579
e-mail: petri.mannonen@sandvik.com

Sandvik Group
Sandvik is a high-tech and global engineering group offering products and services that enhance customer productivity, profitability and safety. We hold world-leading positions in selected areas – tools and tooling systems for metal cutting; equipment and tools, service and technical solutions for the mining and construction industries; products in advanced stainless steels and special alloys as well as products for industrial heating. In 2018, the Group had approximately 42,000 employees and sales of 100 billion SEK in more than 150 countries within continuing operations.

Sandvik Mining and Rock Technology
Sandvik Mining and Rock Technology is a business area within the Sandvik Group and a global leading supplier of equipment and tools, service and technical solutions for the mining and construction industries. Application areas include rock drilling, rock cutting, crushing and screening, loading and hauling, tunneling, quarrying and breaking and demolition. In 2018, sales were approximately 43 billion SEK with about 15,000 employees in continuing operations.

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