When you need a bigger bang
The premium Sandvik RH560 hammer arrived to the market to meet the continued demand for increased productivity through cutting edge solutions.

A great performer
The mining industry continues to demand even higher levels of productivity. Performance takes precedence thanks to reduced handling and less downtime of the RH560 hammer.
Up to 15 % increase in penetration rate
With its enhanced air cycle and piston design, the RH560 delivers higher striking power leading to more power output. With less inside parts this hammer provides outstanding reliability.
We have simply combined the reliability of our RH460 yet keeping the simplicity of RH510. RH560 is here to stay.

- Optimized air cycle
Value added
- Lower fuel consumption
- More responsive drilling
- Up to 15% higher penetration rate
- Less prone of breakage
- Low air consumption (15% less than before)
- Faster building up of air pressure
- Higher frequency means more impact/minute
- Increased power output
RH560 - a big hammer with bigger advantages
- Simple overall design minimizes failures
- Optimized, piston and bit design maximizes energy transfer efficiency
- Higher penetration rate up to 15%
- Low air consumption meaning less fuel consumption yet more power
- No foot valve meaning no small parts causing unnecessary breakdown
- Less downtime means less handling of the hammer, lower injury risk
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